peak height [分化] 峰高 ; 轮廓峰高度 ; 峰值 ; 波峰高度
Peak height velocity 身高增长速率的峰值 ; 身高速度峰值 ; 速率的峰值 ; 高速度峰值
peak height measurement 峰高测量法
pulse peak height 脉冲峰高
peak height digitizer 峰高数字转换器
peak height response 峰高响应
Peak Height Counts 峰高计数
This paper describes a method of measuring peak-height with a computer program for single component quantitative analysis in infrared spectroscopy.
Using the optical temperature control accessory, silica peak height signal was enhanced doubly, reducing atomization time, extending useful time of graphite tube.
Integrator, capable of peak height measurements.