people are moving forward
我知道了,下次我一定注意 » I know, next time I will pay attention to 人们都在往前走 » People are moving forward 我最近在练习写毛笔字 » I recently wrote the practice calligraphy ..
people are moving forward
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
People who lay up treasures in heaven look forward to eternity; they are moving daily toward their treasures. To them, death is gain.
People who lay up treasures in heaven look forward to eternity; they are moving daily toward their treasures.
But people who are moving forward can stand the changes. On the contrary, people like to reform because they can see the benefits.
's PNM Resources (nyse: PNM - news - people ) are moving forward with their own plans to expand existing coal plants in Texas in an effort to meet the state's immediate power needs.
FORBES: TXU Has Competitors
We are a nation of people collectively moving forward, and I am proud to be one of them.
FORBES: The Tax Connection
Home values are plummeting and people are running out of options as to what makes the most sense in moving forward with their mortgages, and mortgage holders and servicing companies are now suffering.
FORBES: American Dream Of Homeownership Fading. Rejoice.