postmortem burns 死后焚尸 perforating wound 穿孔伤 restoration of ficial features 复容 根据颅面骨稳固的状态构造,应 用面部25软组织的厚度的统 计数值,将粘特征物资 黏附在颅 ...
perforating wound of eyeball 眼球穿孔伤
scleral perforating wound 巩膜穿通伤
perforating wound palate 释义腭部穿孔伤
cornea perforating wound 角膜穿孔伤
ocular perforating wound 眼球穿通伤
He fell prostrate in the mud with a perforating wound of the neck, with the wound exit over the tracheal area and a fracture of the trachea.
Objective: to investigate the early effect of firearm perforating wound to vertebral body caused by different velocity bullet and the mechanisms of the early stage of secondary events in GSI to spine.