performance pay 薪酬与表现挂钩 ; 薪效挂钩 ; 绩效工资
High-Performance Pay 高绩效背后的激励机制
Performance Pay Commissioner 绩效薪酬专员
Divisional Performance Pay 部门表现奖金
Individual-based Performance Pay 效的薪酬
Pay for performance 绩效工资 ; 付费 ; 付酬 ; 按效果付费
performance related pay 绩效工资 ; 绩效相关付钱 ; 绩效支付体系 ; 体系
performance pay system 绩效薪酬体系
Pay horizontal position salary structure, including wages, performance pay, allowances and team pay.
参考来源 - 民办本科高校教师薪酬体系优化研究The teachers’performance appraisal is a value judgemental process which is fair, objective, comprehensive. The results of appraisal decide teachers’appointment, promotion, distribution of performance pay, training, development, and teachers’professional development.
参考来源 - 教师绩效工资实施中的绩效评价研究——义务教育阶段·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Smart basketball players or skilled musicians need to pay close attention to the demands of high performance, to the challenges to be overcome.
Why would they pay to go see a live performance?
In its latest survey of CEO pay, The Wall Street Journal finds that "a substantial part" of executive pay is now tied to performance.
But he agrees that in recent years, many companies have tied pay to short-term performance, instead of their long-term health.
VOA: special.2009.10.30
States that want to take part in the Race to the Top cannot have rules that bar performance-based pay for teachers.
VOA: special.2009.07.30
These include linking the pay of bankers to their bank's long-term performance.
VOA: special.2009.10.02