...文名称: 卤钨灯(非机动车辆用) 性能规范 英文名称: Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle) - Performance specifications 版本: 附注: 标准状态: 现行 载体: 纸本 中国标准分类: 【K71】 国际标准分类(ICS): 【29.140.
Performance Specification of the Products 产品性能规范 ; 固定金属硬密封球阀 ; 固定金属硬密封球阀产品性能规范
Performance specification template 性能规范模板
factory performance specification 工厂性能技术规格
installation performance specification 安装效能规格
performance specification number 性能技术规格表序号
PG performance specification PG性能规范
Dynamic Performance Specification 系统的动态性能指标
Steady-State Performance Specification 系统的稳态性能指标
The algorithm can be used to support the performance specification and the efficient calculation of the integrity monitoring process.
The General cleaning Performance Specification addresses Oracle's interior cleaning requirements and includes some exterior responsibilities.
It is proved that the modified calibration formula can improve the performance specification of fire control dynamic performance test systems.