「接受个人社会服务(personal social services)的案主最显著的共同特色是贫穷和被剥夺。或许咸认社会服务应该建立在普世原则上的缘故, 通常这个特点没有人会提起 (Often this...
Personal social services in Britain assist elderly people, disabled people, people with learning disabilities or mental illness, children, and families facing special problems.
States fail when national governments can no longer provide personal security, food security and basic social services such as education and health care.
Among others, Hitwise notes that a higher share of downstream clicks from Twitter.com go to blogs and personal websites than from search sites, social networks, or email services.
Hitwise 指出,博客和个人网站来自 Twitter 的顺流点击(downstream click)高于搜索网站、社交化网路或地址邮件服务。