公司首席执行官彼得·鲍尔(Peter Bauer)在一份声明当中表示:“第四季度公司营业状况出现重要改善,不仅实现了扭亏为盈,而且从持续运营业务中所获1.51亿欧元也使公司自...
以上来源于: WordNet
Peter Bauer, 41, a pastry chef in a small shop a five-minute walk from the Lindt factory, has been leading the search for new kinds of chocolates.
彼特·鲍尔,41岁,是一家小店的甜点师,该小店离Lindt 工厂有步行5分钟的路程,他已经在引领着大家探索新型巧克力。
The company will propose to shareholders a buyback of as many as 10 percent of the company's shares, Chief Executive Officer Peter Bauer said in a conference call today.
英飞凌科技公司首席执行官彼特·鲍尔(Peter Bauer)今天在电话会议上表示,将向股东回购高达10%的公司股份。