16世纪文艺复兴思潮涌入英国,一时盛行彼特拉克十四行诗(Petrarchan Sonnet),该诗体中情怨诗占很大比例,诗人怀亚特、霍华德、斯宾塞、等模仿该怨诗主题,后期邓恩尤甚。
注:意大利十四行诗(Italian sonnet)又叫彼特拉克体十四行诗(Petrarchan sonnet),由一个八行诗节和一个六行诗节组成。八行诗节的押韵规则是:abbaabba,六行诗节的押韵规则是:cdecde,或cdccdc,或cdedce。
the Petrarchan Sonnet 彼特拉克体十四行诗体
同义词: Italian sonnet
以上来源于: WordNet
N a sonnet form associated with the poet Petrarch, having an octave rhyming a b b a a b b a and a sestet rhyming either c d e c d e or c d c d c d 彼特拉克十四行诗 (Also called Italian sonnet)
Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.
The Italian sonnet form is commony called the Petrarchan sonnet, because Petrarch's "Canzonieri, " a sequence of poems including 317 sonnets, established the sonnet as a major form in European poetry.
Donne and Milton's break with the traditional Petrarchan love theme opened anew world for sonneteers and announced the completion of the process of sonnet Anglicization.