...文名: 石油和相关产品.水含量的测定用高沸腾液体的试验部分的准备.氮提纯法 标准/规范英文名: Petroleum and related products - Preparation of a test portion of high-boiling liquids for the determination o..
准/规范中文名: 石油及其相关产品.耐火流体的吸油绳燃烧持久性测定 标准/规范英文名: Petroleum and related products - Determination of wick flame persistence of fire-resistant fluids 批准日期: 1999-..
...中文名: 石油及相关产品.与热表层接触的流体易燃性特征的测定.歧管点火试验 标准/规范英文名: Petroleum and related products - Determination offlammability characteristics of fluids in contact with hotsur..
废 中文名称: 石油和相关制品 HEAE、EFAS和EFC类中耐燃液pH值的测定 英文名称: Petroleum and related products - Determination of pH of fire-resistant fluids within categories HFAE, HFAS and..
Petroleum and related products - Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids - TOST test - Part 2: procedure for category HFC hydraulic fluids.
石油和相关产品。防腐蚀油和液的老化性能测定。TOST试验。第2部分:HF C类液压液规程。
The quality specification for sulphur contents in petroleum products is an important item related to engine corrosion and environmental emission.