...曾成为屈光不正的支流矫治要领,囊括准份子角膜屈光手术--PRK、LASIK、LASEK、有晶体眼人工晶体植入术(Phakic intraocular lens, PIOL),通明晶体摘除了加人工晶体植入术,后巩膜加固术--节制远视进展等。
posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens 人工晶状体 ; 后房型
anterior chamber phakic intraocular lens 前房型 ; 前房型人工晶状体 ; 眼内的解剖位置分为前房型
phakic intraocular lens piol 内植镜
phakic intraocular lens implantation 有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入术
iris-claw phakic intraocular lens 虹膜夹型人工晶状体
Phakic posterior chamber intraocular lens 有晶体眼人工晶体 ; 和后房型
Phakic anterior chamber intraocular lens 前房型
phakic refractive intraocular lens 有晶状体眼屈光性人工晶状体
以上来源于: WordNet
Objective:To evaluate the effectiveness, predictability, and safety of the implantation of angle-supported Phakic anterior chamber intraocular lens(PAC-IOL) for the correction of severe myopia.
He has been awarded two patents of Intraocular Lens Implantation Device and one patent of a new IOL for Phakic IOL.