童乐口服液的药效学研究-医药英语-论文中心 关键词:童乐口服液;巨噬细胞;解热;抗炎;药效学 [gap=667]Keywords:TongleOralSolution;Macrophage;Antipyresis;Antiinflammation;Pharmacodynamic
pharmacodynamic tolerance 药效耐受性
pharmacodynamic screening 药效筛选
Pharmacodynamic Fingerprint 药效指纹图谱
pupillary pharmacodynamic test 瞳孔药效试验
Pharmacodynamic action 药效 ; 药理作用
Secondary Pharmacodynamic 次要药效学
pharmacodynamic studies 药效学试验 ; 学研究
pharmacodynamic interaction 药效学相互作用
pharmacodynamic PD 药效动力学 ; 药效学
Conclusion: The 8-hour interval comply pharmacodynamic principal better ,and the effect of depression is more stable and long-lasting.
结论 :降压药间隔 8h服药更符合药效学原理 ,降压效果稳定、持久。
参考来源 - 降压药疗效与服用间隔时间的临床分析Artificial neural network (ANN) is applied in the pharmacokinetics, such as the prediction of drug blood levels , quantitative structure-pharmacokinetic relationships,in vitro-in vivo correlation, population pharmacokinetic data analysis and pharmacokinetic -pharmacodynamic link models analysis.
参考来源 - 药代动力学建模的人工神经网络新方法This study raised questions about the traditional technology, but whether the traditional process can be improved, pharmacodynamic and other experiments were remained needed.3.
参考来源 - 贞芪扶正制剂及红芪多糖质量控制方法研究Phenobarbital(PB) has the effects of pharmacodynamic action such as calmness, hypnosis, anticonvulsion and antiepileptic and is used to treat diseases of anxiety, insomnia, epileptic seizure and hyperbilirubinemia clinically.
参考来源 - 苯巴比妥残留免疫学快速检测技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Objective: To observe pharmacodynamic action of Safflower paste.
Objective: To study the pharmacodynamic of Qinlianxiaocuo pills.
OBJECTIVE to explore into the pharmacodynamic effect of rhinitis spray on rat models with allergic rhinitis.