in-phase operation 同相运用 ; [计] 同相运行
The soldiers were in a convoy heading for Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province, after completing the second phase of Operation Panchai Palang (Panther's Claw).
这些军人当时在完成了“豹爪”(Panchai Palang)行动第二阶段后,正驱车前往赫尔曼德省(Helmand)首府拉什卡尔加(Lashkar Gah)。
Handlers in the Dispatch phase will identify to which service and operation this message is destined.
The second argument in method commit() distinguishes between a One-Phase or Two-Phase-Commit operation.
方法 commit() 中的第二个参数区分单阶段或两阶段提交操作。