协作 中文名称 相位噪声标准装置 英文名称 PHASE NOISE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM 仪器分类 分析仪器 - 环境与农业分析仪器 - 环境噪声测量仪 仪器型号 HP 3048A 生产厂商 HP 认证情况 启用日期 所在单位 基于3个网页 - 相
The comparison method in phase noise measurement system is introduced by means of the advanced way in interlaboratory comparison and proficiency testing.
This article is concentrated on data processing, mainly including spectrum estimation and error compensation, and system software developing which applied in a kind of phase noise measurement system.
The phase noise of Raman laser is analyzed, and the influence of phase noise for measurement sensitivity is investigated in this thesis, which is helpful to the design of experimental system.