[0005] 现有技术中,为了达到所欲得到之相位延迟(phase retardation)的效果,一般的 液晶透镜通常需要较厚的液晶层,但是过厚的液晶层会造成液晶透镜的响应时间过长。
... retardation of phase 相位滞后 phase retardation 相位延迟 ; 生相位推迟 ; 相阻滞 ; 相位滞后 phase retardation plate 相位延迟板 ...
...与此椭圆球截出一椭 圆,其两个固有向量(eigenvectors)所对应的固有值(eigenvalues)产生了相对 的相位延迟量(phase retardation),进而对电光晶 体中传播的雷射光束产生 了强度的调变,以达到侦测输出雷射光强度的 变化量,即可侦测出外加 的电场,完成萃取待...
phase retardation plate 相位延迟板
Phase retardation mode 之操作原理
phase retardation array 相位延迟阵列
Phase Retardation Film 相位延迟膜
optical phase retardation 光学相位延迟
maximum phase retardation 最大相位滞后
phase retardation variation 相位延迟变化
achromatic phase retardation 消色差相位延迟器
Comparing all kinds of ways to measure the phase retardation, they aren’t suit to measure the phase retardations of achromatic phase retarders because the basic parameters of devices relate to the wavelength majoritily.
参考来源 - 消色差相位延迟器的测试研究与性能优化设计It is concluded that the real phase retardation and fast axis of a wave plate cannot be determined by this kind of methods,because the phase retardation of a wave plate is a multiple valued function of measured light intensity.
参考来源 - 利用迈克耳孙干涉仪测量波片相位延迟量和快轴方向·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It can be used to phase retardation measurement of optical fiber and other application research.
Put forward a new method of assembling polarization-interference to measure the phase retardation of wave-plate.
How to determine the phase retardation of crystal precisely and conveniently has continuously been paid attention to.