...在 口腔温度下不溶于唾液 不为唾液所渗透 不腐蚀变性能耐生物老化 • 3 优良的物理机械性能(physical and mechanical properties) : 在制作过程中及制作后以及 口腔内体积变化小 在咀嚼受力过程中不变 形 不断裂 具有一定硬度耐磨损 质轻 导 热性能好 长期使用...
...物理力学性能 [gap=1262]Key words:ramie stalk;binderless particleboard;composite additives;physical and mechanical properties ...
wood physical and mechanical properties 木材物理力学性质
the physical and mechanical properties 木材物理力学性质
Main physical and mechanical properties 主要物理机械性能
Fabric Physical and Mechanical Properties 九章
mechanical and physical properties 机械性能 ; 机械和物理性能
The physical and mechanical properties of middle cutting wood of Cunninghamia lanceolata are inferior to those from natural forests.
The materials have good physical and mechanical properties and 96-100% shrink ratio.
该材料具有较好的物理机械性能,热收缩率达96 ~ 100%。
The strip steel is developed especially for optimum combination of the physical and mechanical properties.