一、自然科学(Physical Science): 该领域内用的研究方法、沟通的辞汇都有高度的一致性。有很标准化的方法、过程和研究目的,并且能用精确的字句去描述。
...》由科学工作基本常识(Science Basics)、生命科学(Life Science)、地球科学(Earth Science)和物理科学(Physical Science)4个大板块构成,收录相关主题55个,每个主题包括1个小板块:焦点问题(Focus Question):以1-2个问题揭示本课主要内容词汇表...
化学 Chemical Sciences 物理 Physical Sciences 昆士兰大学是传统的体育强校,除了完善的体育设施外,布里斯班河更为昆士兰大学赛艇队提供了绝佳的练习场地。
...下午考写作与生命科学两部分。加上一早就要赶往考场迎候秋闱,所以一次考程需连续作战仨时辰,心力交瘁,相当疲劳。 具体的考法大致分成几个板块:物理学(Physical Science),包括无机化学,75道题,考100分钟。文学推理(Verbal Reasoning),60道题,历时85分钟。
Physical Science College 体育科学学院
Physical Science Professionals 物理学专家 ; 物理科学专业人员
Physical Science Education 物理科学教育
Marine Physical Science 海洋科学硕士
Physical Science and Technology 物理科学技术学院
School of Physical Science 立的物理科学学院
Natural and Physical Science 自然科学
Natural Physical Science 自然物理科学
Chemistry is a physical science based on experiments. It is a central disciplineof the physical science, and an organic part of science courses.
参考来源 - 运用化学实验课件提高中学生化学学业成绩的实验研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT The physical sciences are branches of science such as physics, chemistry, and geology that are concerned with natural forces and with things that do not have life. (物理、化学和地质学等)自然科学 [usu pl]
He doesn't, he says physical science is extremely valuable.
Then, almost every Sunday, came Sitanath Dutta to give us demonstrations in physical science.
接着,几乎每个星期天,悉达那德? 杜塔来给我们上物理实验课。
So there were all kinds of attempts to read Homer, for example, the Iliad or the Odyssey as allegories for physical science.
Milton's pushing here toward a fantasy of physical invulnerability imagining an alternative -- this is science fiction an alternative model of bodily configuration that would render impossible the all-too-easy quenching of the tender eyeballs.