gas pipe line 输气管道 ; 煤气管道
sour gas line pipe 含硫气体管线管
gas line pipe 煤气管线用管
gas pipe line telemetry 天然气管道遥测
united gas pipe line co 联合天然气管道公司
gas-pipe line telemetry [油气] 天然气管道遥测
South Caucasus Gas Pipe-line 南高加索天然气管道
gas-pipe line 煤气导管 ; 煤气管线
The oil and gas pipe line through fault or landslide area is easy to be damaged by earthquake.
This paper deals with the relationship between the fault movement and the pipe line deformation and presents some opinions as to how to design a buried oil and gas pipe line through fault area.
It introduces characteristic and kinds of line pipe for petroleum and natural gas transmission.