base pire 碱基对 ; 碱基对于
Boardwalk pire 海滨帝国 ; 大西洋帝国
pire Earth 地球时代 ; 地球期间 ; 世纪争霸 ; 地球帝国
Egg-pire 来自蛋帝国
nightclub pire 夜店帝国
pire Erth 地球帝国
Jean Pire 皮埃尔
Pire Luigi 皮耶尔·路易基
Pire pump 消防泵
Dubbed X-pire, it encrypts photos with a key that can only be used before a certain date.
这一绰号叫做“X - pire”的软件用密码加密照片,而这一密码只能在特定的日期前使用。
He must screw them up and keep on looking ahead at Mount Pire and Shouting out directions.
First contact with the Klingon pire. The incident is a disaster, leading to nearly a century of hostilities between the Klingons and the Federation.