...设计滚子推杆凸轮机构廓线时,可首先将滚子的转动中心视为尖顶推杆的尖顶,按 反转法设计步骤作出凸轮的 理论廓线 ( pitch curve ) ,然后以 理论廓线 上的一系列点为圆心,以滚子半径 rr 为半径作圆,再作此圆族的包络线即得凸轮的工作廓线。
... pitch control 节距调节(机构),色调控制,音调控制 pitch curve 凸轮理论廓线,理论廓线,节面曲线 pitch diameter 节圆直径,节径(齿轮的),中径(螺纹的) ...
cam pitch curve [机] 凸轮理论轮廓
Pitch Curve Norm 节曲线规范
speed-pitch curve 联控曲线
pitch curve design 节曲线设计
curvature of pitch curve 节曲线曲率
non-circular gear pitch curve 非圆齿轮节曲线
carrying out pitch curve design 节曲线设计
Pitch h curve 节面曲线
curve pitch 曲线拟合
Noncircular gear Pitch curve Non-sinusoidal oscillation Serial gears;
非圆齿轮; 节曲线; 非正弦振动; 串联齿轮;
Smoothing algorithm is exploited to remove the errors of multiple frequency point, half frequency point and random point, and realize pitch curve smoothing.
The proposed graphical method may directly plot the CAM profile without plotting its pitch curve, therefore its construction is more simplified and more accurate.