...安慰剂对照(placebo control)作为研究对象的人,既具有生物属性,也具有社会属性:不仅有生理活动,还有心理活动,研究对象的精神心理因素对机体反应、疾病的...
blank or placebo control 空白或安慰剂对照
double-blind placebo-control food challenge 食物激发试验
No placebo-control 没有安慰剂对照组别控制
placebo control trial 安慰剂对照实验
Difficult placebo-control 安慰剂对照组别控制的困难
placebo control experiment 安慰剂对照实验
Methods A random, double blind, and placebo control study was conducted.
Method: Take the method of random, double blindness and placebo control for research.
DESIGN: Randomized, single blind and placebo control prospective study based on patients.
So, you didn't know at the beginning, you knew you were enrolled in the trial, they gave you a shot, you didn't know whether you were part of the real group that got the test vaccine or the placebo group that got the control; turned out that Bonnie was part of the control group.