plain cake 蛋糕 ; 水果蛋糕 ; 普通蛋糕 ; 纯蛋糕
Plain cake donut 平底蛋糕甜甜圈
plain cake detail 水果蛋糕
Plain Fruit Cake 轻水果蛋糕
Plain Chiffon cake 原味戚风蛋糕
Plain Cheese Cake 原味起司蛋糕
As many of you who have been readers for a while know, I love a loaf cake, and she describes her chocolate version as "the plainest of plain loaf cakes."
They use a zestyraspberryjam as a filling and a chocolate ganachecoating with the quintessentialshreddedcoconut dusting. Bits of plain sponge cake are given new life.
Bits of plain sponge cake are given new life.