plane tree 悬铃树 ; [植] 悬铃木 ; 法国梧桐 ; 等高树木
London plane tree 英国梧桐
American Plane Tree 美洲悬铃木 ; 球悬玲木
plane tree family 法国梧桐科
oriental plane-tree 法国梧桐
oriental plane tree 法国梧桐 ; 法桐
No, Monsieur, I swear to you, by my hopes of salvation, I will tell you all, for the abbe Busoni himself only knew a part of my secret; but, I pray you, go away from that plane-tree.
When he was buried at Frogmore she saw that his grave and the place reserved for her lay under the branches of a plane tree.
To reproduce the landscape in 3-D, a twin-engine plane flew over the city and fired laser beams through the dense tree canopy. The beams bounced off the ground, buildings, and other structures below.
为了在3 - D模型中重现,一架双引擎飞机飞越城市和浓密的树冠,发射并采集从地面,建筑物和其他结构反射回来的激光束。