Plane Wave Method 平面波方法 ; 平面波法 ; 平面波展开法
plane wave method pwm 平面波展开法
augmented plane wave method 增广平面波法
plane wave method calculation 平面波法计算
orthogonalized plane wave method 正交平面波法
pseudo-potential plane-wave method 赝势平面波方法
linearized augmented plane wave method 线性增广平面波法
First principles pseudopotential plane-wave method 第一原理赝势平面波方法
full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave method 全势线性缀加平面波方法
The photonic band structures of two-dimensional square compound lattices made of two kinds of dielectric cylinders are calculated by the plane-wave method.
We have investigated the guide modes in two kinds of two_dimensional photonic crystal heterostructures by using the plane wave expansion method combined with the supercell technique.
The effect of hole size on nonlinearity and dispersion of the photonic crystal fiber(PCF) is analyzed by the plane wave expansion method.