planning and environment minister
... 计划和工业部长 minister of plan and industry; plan and industry minister 计划和环境部长 minister of planning and environment; planning and environment minister 计划和统计部长 minister of planning and statistics ...
planning and environment minister
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"Planning policy which bolsters city and town centre environments is exactly what is required for Belfast city centre and the environment minister's statement clarifies a position that makes sense and is in line with good planning practice across the rest of the UK and the developed world, " he said.
BBC: 'Fatal blow' for John Lewis store at Sprucefield
According to the trust's legal team, Environment Minister Alex Attwood acted unreasonably and irrationally in granting planning permission last February.
BBC: Northern Ireland
The petition was presented to the Environment Minister Peter Sirett and Deputy Bernard Flouquet, the chairman of the Strategic Land Planning Group.
BBC: Eyesore petition handed to States of Guernsey