浅论植物遗传资源知识产权保护 关键词:知识产权,植物遗传资源,传统知识,农民权 [gap=593]Key words: Intellectual property, Plant genetic resources, Traditional knowledge, Peasant right
Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 植物遗传资源学报 ; 植物遗传资源科学
Plant Genetic Resources Abstracts 中文期刊名植物种质资源文摘
International Plant genetic Resources Institute 任国际植物种质资源所
Plant Genetic Resources Unit 植物遗传资源研究室
community plant genetic resources 村社植物遗传资源
Joural of Plant Genetic Resources 植物遗传资源科学
commission on plant genetic resources 植物遗传资源委员会
Journal of Plant Genetic Resources.
The security and sustainable use of plant genetic resources is still an urgent and hard task faced by the govermnent as well as her scientists in China .
Collection, storage and handling of plant genetic resources and their global distribution are essential components of international crop and tree improvement programmes.