...plate count; standard curve; Mycobacterium vaccae 【摘要】 目的: 建立牡牛分枝杆菌的快速检测方法. 方法: 采用紫外分光光度计[gap=155]关键词】 紫外分光光度计法;湿重法;平板菌落计数法;标准曲线;牡牛分枝杆菌[/b] ...
...TAL SCIENCE》-2004 云, 张晓健, 期刊- 核心期刊 ISSN : 0250-3301(2004)04-0167-03 比较采用不同培养基的平板计数(Plate Counts,PC)方法,以及不同荧光染色剂的显微镜直接计数方法与常规计数方法的差别.
total plate count 菌落总数 ; 细菌总数 ; 总生菌数
Aerobic plate count 菌落总数 ; 生菌数 ; 本标准规定了食品中菌落总数 ; 菌落总数测定
agar plate count [微] 琼脂平板计数 ; 释义琼脂平板计数
Plate Count Agar 平板计数琼脂 ; 培养基 ; 平板计数洋菜 ; 板计数琼脂
Water Plate Count Agar 水平板计数琼脂培养基 ; 水平板计数琼脂 ; 价格水平板计数琼脂培养基
Standard Plate Count 菌落总数 ; 标准板计数
plate count method 平板计数法
Plate Count Agar with BCP 溴甲酚紫平板计数琼脂
Milk Plate Count Agar 牛奶平板计数琼脂
Plate count method was used to count the culturable cells in three different water samples.
The number of viable cells was compared with the plate count before and after lyophilization to calculate the survival rate.
Numbers of viable bacteria obtained by DVC were higher than that by traditional spread plate count by up to two orders of magnitude.