platelet count PLT 血小板计数
platelet count 血小板计数 ; 血小板 ; 小板计数 ; 血小板数目
blood platelet count 血小板计数 ; 在外周血血小板计数 ; 和血小板计数 ; 多数患者有血小板计数
Low platelet count 及血小板减少 ; 血小板减少 ; 小板不足 ; 和血小板减少
peripheric platelet count 外周血血小板计数
direct platelet count 血小板直接计数
indirect platelet count 血小板间接计数
platelet count bpc 血小板计数
platelet count pc 血小板计数
PLC platelet count 血小板计数
The spleen can affect the platelet count, the red blood cell count and even the white blood count.
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) is a life-threatening disease characterized by acute renal failure (uraemia), haemolytic anaemia, and a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia).
The study included retrospectively identified residents of a long-term care facility who were over age 50 years, received VPA between 1990 and 2008, and had at least 1 recorded platelet count.
这项回顾性研究包括了50岁以上的长期疗养所的老人。 他们在1990年到2008年间接受VPA治疗,并且至少有一次有记录的血小板计量。