primary playing area 主要竞赛区
secondary playing area 次要竞赛区
Playing Area 比赛区 ; 比赛场区 ; 比赛场馆场地及设施 ; 比赛面积
Hand playing area 手工竞赛区
Tennis Center Playing Area 网球中心比赛场
Temporary Playing Area 临时比赛场
Orchard Playing Area 果园游乐区规划
English writing contest playing area 英文写作大赛竞赛区
The playing area 比赛面积
secondary y playing area 次要竞赛区
An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.
The playing area was marked off with a white line.
The playing area is the entire village of Shukhuti, which is set between two rivers.