... Please advise us with your comments 请把你的看法告诉我们 Please advise 请回复 Sorry for confusion(混乱) ...
Later please advise 以后请多多指教 ; 以后请大家多多指教 ; 以后请多指教 ; 以后还请多多指教
Please advise on the following 请就下列 ; 请告知有关以下 ; 请告知以下
can you please advise routing 你可以请告知路由 ; 可以请你提醒路由
Please advise acceptance 请告知验收 ; 请告知接受
So please advise 所以请大家多多指教
Please advise if any problems 如有困难请告知
Please advise my duty time 请建议我的到岗时间
please advise your factory location 工厂地址
Please advise for below 请下面告知为 ; 请提供以下为