但是过度注重外表 » But the excessive focus on appearance 请吃水果 » Please eat fruit 一球成名是说一个叫圣地亚哥的男子。从一个清洁工人•到一位足球明星的经历。
Please eat the fruit 请吃水果
Fruit jelly: Thanks to large fruit jelly, please don't eat it by absorbing, instead, it shall be eaten by digging with spoon. Especially elders and children shall pay more attention to way of eating.
It leads men to eat more light meals, such as salads, fruit and vegetables, while women chose to make creamier, heavier dishes like curry or rich pasta sauces, which may please their partner.
这就导致男人经常会吃一些清淡食物,如沙拉、水果和蔬菜等; 而女人则会选择一些更油腻的、味道厚重的菜品,像咖喱和意大利面酱等。