日本丰田汽车本周一于东京的展示会上宣布,将在两年内于消费市场上大量推出插电式油电 混合动力车 ( Plug-in hybrid car ),此决定乃受市场上汽车业者竞争激烈、及..
GM has been promoting its plan to build a plug-in hybrid car called the Chevrolet Volt, which if built as planned could run for as many as 64 kilometers on electricity alone.
通用汽车一直在推广雪佛兰的Volt (Chevrolet Volt)可充电混合动力车计划,根据设计,这款汽车可在仅使用电力的情况下最多行驶64公里。
At the time it was heralded as the world's first mass-produced plug-in hybrid car, a saloon with a battery that can see it travel up to 80 miles before the petrol engine kicks in.
Mr McCain is touting this, along with GM's plans for a plug-in hybrid car, as evidence that American ingenuity can solve a lot of problems, from high petrol prices to global warming.