PLUG & ADAPTER 插苏及万能插苏
plug adapter 插塞式转接器 ; [电] 插头 ; 插塞式接合器 ; 插塞
spark plug adapter 火花塞接续器 ; 火花塞座
plug to-plug adapter 双阳接合器
plug adapter lamp holder [电] 插口灯座
APC Universal Plug Adapter 变形金刚
spark plug adapter assembly 火花塞接续器总成
spark plug adapter wrench 火花塞接续器扳手
Adapter Plug 配接器插头 ; 衔接棋头 ; 接续插头 ; 转接插头
You can also replace a defective PCI hot plug adapter with another of the same type without shutting down the system.
不需要关闭系统,您也可以将出现问题的PC i热插拔适配器替换为同类型的另一块适配器。
PCI hot plug is added in 2.6, which allows a PCI adapter to be added or removed from a running system without having to shutdown the system.
在2.6中增加了PC i热插拔特性,允许在运行着的系统中添加或者删除PC i适配器,而无需关闭系统。
You can also use the MBA's 45w adapter on other machines — the plug should still fit, but the adapter may not have enough juice to charge AND power a running machine.
你也可以使用MBA 45瓦的变压器在其它的机器上,不过有可能有点不够力。