PMI Project Management Institute -- 项目管理协会是世界领先的非盈利会员协会的项目管理专业机构,为专业的项目管理教育项目提供认证; APHEA Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation -- 公共健康教育认证机构是公共医...
The project management Institute (PMI) was formed in the late 1960s and is one of the world's leading bodies in the area of the project management.
项目管理协会(Project Management Institute, PMI)建立于二十世纪六十年代末,并且是项目管理领域中的世界领导组织。
The Project Management Institute (PMI) officially launched their Agile Community of Practice at the Agile200 conference.
项目管理学会(Project Management Institute,简写pmi)在敏捷2009大会上正式启动了敏捷实践社区。
The PMI (Project Management Institute) defines Monte Carlo Simulation as.