...),对于青蟹蚤,幼体,起始饥饿时间超过4d,再予投饵,幼体均不能恢复到正常发育和蜕皮,即其“不可恢复点(point of no-return,PNR)”约为4d,若幼体孵化后马上投喂,但在投喂后不同时间间间使幼体饥饿,50%青蟹蚤;幼体达到“营养贮存...
... 放大临界点 gain-crossover 航线临界点 a point of no return; point of no-return 临界点,起征点 threshold ...
Point of No Return 双面女蝎星 ; 西关大少 ; 梦想起飞 ; 回不去了吗
THE POINT OF NO RETURN 不归点 ; 至此不归 ; 没有回程的起点
a point of no return 航线临界点 ; 到了一个不可逆转的点
point of-no-return 和不可恢复点
T Point of No Return 碾核金属
Line Dance-Point Of No Return 排舞
Point t of No Return 背城借一
N a point at which an irreversible commitment must be made to an action, progression, etc 只能进不能退的地步
"We are at a point of no return," he said in a recent report.
By raising sealevels, and therefore the grounding line, in their model, Katz's teamwere able to find the point of no return beyond which the glacier wouldbe unable to recover.
Many glaciologists believe that within a few decades, the Greenland ice sheet may reach a point of no return, after which its near-total meltdown becomes inevitable.