点取样(Point sampling),双线性过滤(bilinear fiItering),三线性MIP-mapping映射 (Trilinear MIP-mapping),各向异性过滤(Anisotropic filtering),反...
... 取样点置于后间隔 Posteroseptum 点取样 Point sampling ; Point Sample 点取样法 point sampling ...
Nearest Point Sampling 最近点采样
Fixed-point sampling 定点抽样
five-point sampling method 五点取样法
Uniform fixed-point sampling 统一定点抽样
point sampling theory 点抽样理论
point sampling method 五点取样法 ; 点样抽样法
multi-point sampling 多采样点
Nearest- point sampling 最近点采样
The thesis also discusses the point sampling result’s affect on the final retrieving precision. The voxelization is used to make the sampled point more even over the surface, and better retrieving precision can be achieved by this process.
参考来源 - 三维模型形状分析和检索·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Kyodo did not give a margin of error, but a poll of that size would normally have a five percentage point sampling error.
This paper systematlly deals with the applied theory and method of angle measuring in volume growing estimation in permanent point sampling.
The results indicated that it is unbiased to estimate basal area of stand but inefficient when estimating stems per hectare by point sampling.
I don't know how to make this point any clearer than to share with you a sampling of the student evaluations.