定义 中文名称: 点污染源 英文名称: point source of pollution 定义1:呈点状分布、易于辨别的污染源。如工厂、医院排污口等。 应用学科: 生态学(一级学科);污染生态学(二级学科) 定义2:集中在一点或小范围排放污染物 基
non-point source of pollution 非点污染源
point source of air pollution 空气污染点源
non-point source pollution of city 城市非点源
non-point source pollution of soil 土壤面源污染
Non-point source pollution of planting 种植业面源污染
non-point source pollution of watershed 流域面源污染
We will prohibit the relocation of urban polluting enterprises and dispersal of urban polluting materials in the countryside, and control non-point source pollution in rural areas.
Soil phosphorus as agricultural non-point source pollution is one of the main factors which lead to water pollution.
The nonpoint source pollution, which has played an important role on surface water pollution has been given much attention because of the effective controlling of the point source pollution.