poke into 干涉
poke one's nose into 探听 ; 干涉 ; 人够多了您就不用插手了
poke one's nose into something 乱打听别人的私事 ; 多管闲事
to poke one's nose into 干涉别人事务 ; 干涉
We don't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs.
We never thought she would poke her nose into this.
These days a candidate is fair game for the press: they’ll poke into every corner of his past life to see what scandal they can dig up.
现在参加竞选的候选人都已经成了新闻界监督的对象。 他们对候选人以往的所有一切都要仔细检查,看看能不能挖出什么丑闻来。