高领毛衫的名称在英语国家被赋予了各种不同的名字,其中在英国,它就是被叫做“polo neck”(马球领),或者叫做“roll-neck”(卷领);而在北美地区,却被叫做“turtleneck”(龟脖领),虽然皆以“领”取名,所指的却都是这种衣领...
polo-neck 你要找翻领 ; 高圆领 ; 圆高翻领 ; 高圆翻领
polo neck jumper 马球领短衫 ; 套头紧领衫
polo neck turtleneck 高翻领毛衣
a polo-neck sweater 高领毛衣
N-COUNT A polo neck or a polo neck sweater is a sweater with a high neck which folds over. 高翻领套衫 [英国英语]
You can wear a polo neck with that jacket.
His black turtleneck is studiedly more than a round neck, less than a polo neck.
Today, the weather is markedly higher, like usually, I wear three clothes to work, but far from the noon in the office, I felt so hot and I had to fo to toilet to put off a polo neck turtleneck.