poly-aluminum sulfate 聚合硫酸铝
poly aluminum silicate sulfate 聚合硅酸硫酸铝的
poly-ferric aluminum sulfate 聚合硫酸铁铝
poly-ferric aluminum silica sulfate 聚合硫酸铁铝硅
Poly aluminum ferric silicate-sulfate 聚合硅酸硫酸铝铁
poly-titanic-aluminum silicate sulfate 新型絮凝剂PTAS
This suggested the possibility that the formation of poly aluminum silicate sulfate was resulted from the substitution reaction of certain portion of the aluminum in the poly aluminum sulfate.
The waste water from pulping of wheat straw was treated by using poly aluminum chloride (PAC), polymerized ferrous sulfate (PFS) and organic coagulant AIDS together.
The inorganic high molecule coagulant of PFASS is synthesized with the poly-silicic acid into the solution of polymeric ferric aluminum sulfate.