行 中文名称: 涤纶短纤维 英文名称: Polyester staple fibre 标准组织: 【GB】中国国家标准 正文语种: 中文 国标分类: 【W52】化学纤维 原版报价: 人民币 14.00 ICS分类: 【59
polyester staple fibre spun yarn 涤纶短纤维细纱
polyester staple fibre & polyester 涤纶短丝和聚酯棉纱
professional polyester staple fibre 专用涤纶短纤
Polyester Staple Fibre andPolyester Yarn 涤纶短丝和聚酯棉纱
A method is introduced, which mix polyester chip and metal-oxide powder, then spin staple fibre, the fibre has antistatic property as its resistance is 1.
Our fibre is a single staple polyester fibre with a cross sectional diameter of around 15 microns, normally cut to 75mm, 50mm and 38mm lengths with other lengths available upon request.