以上是我讲的单基因病,下面介绍一下多基因病,多基因病(polygenic diseases):是由于多个基因与环境因子共同作用所引起的遗传病。是由于多个基因与环境因子共同作用所引起的遗传病。
尿病药物疗乱药物的副效用,非少果数遗传徐患(polygenic disease) 的时代了。理由非ⅱ型2型地狮产物与缓性糖尿病药物疗乱药物的副效用喝啥子茶歹的心腹引导的3类异样: 1,社团对于对于迟饭先迟饭先...
polygenic inheritable disease 多基因遗传病
disease of polygenic inheritance 多基因遗传病
polygenic inheritance disease 多基因遗传病
polygenic inherited disease 多基因遗传病
polygenic threshold disease 多基因阈疾病
Polygenic inheritant disease 释义多基因遗传病
polygenic hereditary disease 多基因遗传病
It is agreed that AD is a polygenic disease, heritage and environment leading to its development Foreign learner pay more and more attention to the susceptible gene(ig. l3q12,3q21,1q21) of AD.
参考来源 - HLA·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: polygenic disorder
以上来源于: WordNet
Conclusions SLE has characteristics of polygenic disease. Genetic factor might play an important role in the liability of SLE.
The results showed that schizophrenia was not applicable to single gene transmission mode, and that it was a polygenic disease.
Essential hypertension (EH), a complex polygenic disease, is considered to the result of the genetic interaction of multiple gene alterations in concert with environmental factors.