一个简单的最小二乘法的例子就是Polynomial Curve Fitting(多项式曲线拟合),就是用多项式来拟合一条曲线。转化成数学语言就是:我们有一条需要拟合的曲线
Universal polynomial curve fitting 一般多项式拟合
orthogonal polynomial curve-fitting 正交多项式拟合
polynomial curve fitting method 多项式曲线拟合法
least square curve fitting polynomial 最小二乘多项式
Polynomial regression curve fitting 多项式曲线拟合法
polynomial fitting curve 多项式拟合曲线
The proposed method can give more reasonable and more promising prediction results as compared with polynomial curve fitting technique.
Polynomial curve fitting is a usually used data fitting method. When there are too many data for fitting, only just one polynomial curve function cannot acquire good fitting effect.
The algorithm is polynomial curve fitting based on least square approximation. The experimental result shows its performance is more effect than that of the piecewise linear algorithm.