PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯 ; 聚氯乙炔 ; 聚氯乙烯及纤维
hard polyvinyl chloride pvc 硬聚氯乙稀
plasticized polyvinyl chloride pvc membrane 聚氯乙烯膜
Polyvinyl chloride and PVC blends 混合物 ; 以及聚氯乙烯化合物 ; 聚氯乙烯以及聚氯乙烯混合物
polyvinyl chloride resin PVC resin 聚氯乙烯树脂
Hard polyvinyl chloride H-PVC 硬质化聚氯乙烯
polyvinyl chloride resin PVC 聚氯乙烯树脂
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is the number one choice for manufacturers because of its well-known waterproofing wonders.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is the one of the five biggest general plastic, that has very enormous output and consumption.
Producing polyvinyl chloride (PVC), via vinyl chlorine monomer (VCM), is the primary end use for EDC, accounting for an estimated 95% of the world EDC consumption.
经氯乙烯单体(VCM)生产聚氯乙烯(PVC)是EDC最主要的最终用途,估计约占全球EDC消费量的95 %。