Toy Poodle 玩具贵宾犬 ; 贵宾犬 ; 狗狗多只选
Tiny toy poodle 小玩具贵宾 ; 贵宾犬 ; 娇小玩具型贵宾犬
The Toy Poodle 玩具型红贵宾泰迪熊犬 ; 玩具型贵宾狗
Apricot Toy Poodle 杏色玩具贵宾
Dark Brown Toy Poodle 褐色玩具贵宾
It didn't help matters when Phoebe's good friend Marlena stopped by one day to introduce us to Lizzy, the toy poodle her parents had had waiting for her as a surprise when she came home from camp.
情况始终没有进展,直到有一天菲比的好朋友玛莲娜带着玩具贵宾犬(toy poodle)利齐来我们家串门。利齐是玛莲娜父母在野营结束后送给她的,就为了给她一个惊喜。
Nutritionally, there are many differences per pound of body weight between the Toy Poodle and its larger relatives.