... 联合,联营,合并 combination 权益联营合并 pooling of interest 横向联营 同业合并 同业联合 horizontalintegration ...
... 股权证券:stock equity securities 股权联营法:pooling of interest 股权多元化:shareholding diversification ...
Pooling of Interest Method 权益结合法 ; 合营法 ; 股权联营法 ; 联营法
Pooling of Interest Accounting 权益结合法
pooling-of-interest detail 集合经营
which pooling of interest 权益结合
Firstly we discuss the foundational theory of the approach to the combination of financial statement, which consists of objective of the combined accounting statement, the amending of the traditional accounting hypotheses, quality of the accounting information and the bounds, premise, principle, procedure of the combination of financial statement; secondly we probe into the applied theory that consists of Purchase Method, Pooling of Interest, New Entity Method, Parent Company Method and Entity Method; at last we point out the authoritative criteria on the combination of the financial statement is the logic finality of our academic structure.
参考来源 - 我国合并报表会计方法的理论结构·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Consolidated financial statement is influenced by the choice between the purchase method and the pooling of interest method.
There are two methods:purchase method and pooling of interest method to be chosen to book the consolidated assets and liabilities.
Using purchase method for consolidated statements is the trunk stream, on the other hand, pooling of interest method cant be prohibited however.