Pop-up Ad 弹出式广告 ; 自动弹启式广告 ; 穿插式广告 ; 弹跳式告白
Pop-up Store 快闪店 ; 游击店 ; 期间限定店 ; 概念店
pop up 突然出现 ; 突然弹出的东西 ; 冒起式 ; 近网挑球过高
pop-up 弹出式 ; 弹出窗口 ; 弹出 ; 广告
Pop-up Ads 弹出式广告 ; 式广告 ; 视窗广告
Pop Up Play 画中画 ; 画中画播放 ; 功能
POP-UP WINDOW 弹出窗口 ; 弹出式窗口 ; 弹出视窗
Pop-up book 跳立书 ; 立体故事书
Pop-up shop 品牌游击店 ; 游击店 ; 快闪商店
Pop-up Blocker 弹出窗口屏蔽 ; 弹出窗口拦截器 ; 弹出窗口阻止程序 ; 弹出广告拦截器
As noted above, indifferent relationships may not always be the most helpful approach in resolving some of the issues that pop up at work.
The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop up in response to online searches for the brands they offer.
Colds mutate even while they're infecting you, and new strains pop up so often that by the time drug-makers create a vaccine against one variation, the serum is already out of date.