...o advertise a static default route to london » 曼彻斯特播发到伦敦的静态默认路由配置 populate the interface » 填充该接口 ..
Human services, which typically contain the interfaces screens (known as Coaches because they guide users through the application), as well as any components required to populate the interface.
Once you've created your database you can populate it with data using either the Cloudscape ij scripting tool or simply use the DB2 native interface for creating tables and adding data.
一旦创建了数据库,就可以使用Cloudscape ij脚本编制工具或者仅仅使用用来创建表和添加数据的DB 2本机接口来填充它。
The reports.manifest file contains information employed by the user interface (UI) to populate a list of reports that you can generate.
manifest 文件包含用户接口(UI)使用的信息,移植一系列你可以创建的报告。