population ageing and health
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population ageing and health
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It is thanks to an ageing population and soaring health and pension costs that America's debt ratio will still be rising in a decade.
There are many ideas for achieving this, such as reviving its housing industry by getting it to build properties suitable for an ageing population, and beefing up its health-care sector.
And Canada's fiscal health will soon come under strain from the treasured but expensive public health-care system and an ageing population.
But look farther ahead and a much bigger gap appears, as an ageing population needs ever more pensions and health care.
ECONOMIST: America's budget deficit
They worry, and rightly so, that America faces budgetary meltdown, as its ageing population places unbearable strains on pensions and health-care systems.
ECONOMIST: America's stimulus plan: Stimulus and the Senate | The
The report mentions other long-term priorities such as ensuring transport links, improving island infrastructure such as the roads, harbours and broadband access and speed, security of energy supply and planning for increasing health and pension costs due to an ageing population.
BBC: Peter Harwood