Pork sausage meat 做腊肠的绞肉 ; 醺肉 ; 做喷鼻肠的绞肉
Egg & Pork Sausage Twister 鸡蛋猪柳卷
Pork sausage 猪肉肠 ; 豆腐乳
Pork Sausage Burger 猪柳蛋堡
Fried pork sausage 生煎猪肉肠
Health and fried pork sausage 生煎猪肉肠
Grilled Hungary Pork Sausage 匈牙利猪肉肠
Harbin QiuLin Pork Sausage 秋林红肠
German Pork Sausage 德国风味猪肉肠
The dish: in the early 20th century, Russian traders brought this smoked pork sausage across the border into Harbin. Since then its become a specialty of the city.
The dish: in the early 20th century, Russian traders brought this smoked pork sausage across the border into Harbin. Since then it's become a specialty of the city.
The other hand, fresh chicken and pork as well as local production, but preserved duck, sausage, dumplings and other meat byproducts. some are from China.