N a pig, typically of a lean type, bred and used principally for pork 瘦肉猪
Officials in the coastal Peruvian province of Callao on Monday hailed the Guinea pig as a low cost, low fat alternative to a traditional turkey or roast pork Christmas dinner.
秘鲁的沿海省份卡里奥的官员在周一宣布天竺鼠可以摆上圣诞餐桌来代替传统的火鸡或是烤猪。 天竺鼠更加的便宜,而且脂肪含量较低。
In 2006, more than 300 people in Shanghai were hospitalised after eating pork and pig organs tainted with clenbuterol.
There is no question here. The porc in porcelain is the same porc as pork, like porky pig.
毫无疑问,单词porcelain和pork中的porc说的是同一个东西,而对于pork,请参见迪斯尼动画中的角色porky pig(猪小弟)。